Service Name: Community Acquired Brain Injury Neuropsychology Service
Main Speciality: Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Host Trust: Solent NHS Trust, Rehabilitation Centre, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwick Hill Road, Cosham, Hants, PO2 3LY
Contact tel. no: 02392 286000 ext. 1198
Service lead: Dr Jane McNeil (Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist)
Contact Email:
NHS or Private Organisation: NHS
Service description: Provides community neuropsychological rehabilitation for adults of working age who have an Acquired Brain Injury.
Exclusion criteria: The service does not currently provide input for people with the following presentations:
- Progressive neurological conditions e.g. Multiple Sclerosis
- Spinal cord injury
- Brain tumour
- Mild traumatic brain injury
- Primary diagnosis of epilepsy
- Individuals presenting with extreme behavioural challenges, such as verbal and physical aggression
- Actively misusing alcohol or other substances
- Those who are medically unstable and those living in nursing or residential care
Catchment areas: South East Hampshire, including Portsmouth City
Referral process: Email or letter to the addresses above