Dorset Wheelchair Services

Service Name: Dorset Wheelchair Services

Main Speciality: providing wheelchairs and some other aids.

Service Addresses:

Dorchester:  Unit F2, Marabout Industrial Estate, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1 1YA

St. Leonards:  The Acorn Building, St Leonards Hospital, Ringwood Road, Dorset, BH24 2DW

Contact telephone number: 01202 892 874

Contact email:


NHS or Private Organisation: nhs

Service description: patients are assessed by an occupational therapist for a suitable wheelchair. There are also engineers to support providing appropriate mobility aids and pressure supports. Please see website for more details and the two centres in St. Leonards and Dorchester. There are criteria for accessing NHS wheelchairs which the referring clinician should discuss with you.

Exclusion criteria: those without a long term condition requiring a wheelchair to increase mobility / independence.

Catchment areas: GP in Dorset

Referral process: by Dorset GP.