Service Name: Wessex Rehab Centre
Main Speciality: Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation
Address: Wessex Rehab Centre, Salisbury District Hospital, Odstock Rd, Salisbury, SP2 8BJ
Contact tel. no: 01722 336262 x2370
Twitter: @WessexRehabSDH
Facebook: Wessex Rehab
Service lead(s): Peter Wareham, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist (Lower Limb) / Fiona Talbot, Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist (Upper Limb), Hamish Cameron, Clinical Specialist Chronic Pain
Contact Email:
NHS or Private Organisation: predominantly NHS although private patients can be accepted.
Service description:
Service treats various musculo-skeletal injured patients who are not progressing as expected, or need more specialist / intensive input than can be provided by community and / or outpatient services. This includes;
- Orthopaedic +/- Plastic Trauma patients
- Complex hand trauma
- Nerve injuries – upper and lower limb
- Complex regional pain syndrome
- Complex musculoskeletal injury with / without psychological issues
- Chronic pain patients
Service includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and pain consultant input. There is access to pain clinic, psychology services (excluding Wiltshire patients) and orthotics. There are currently 12 twin room hostel style beds where patients need to be independent with ADLs and have no nursing needs to stay. Patients are able to attend Monday to Friday; programmes are tailored to individuals’ need, depending on physical limitations, fatigue and life commitments. Patients have access to occupational therapy led workshops, hydrotherapy (multiple times weekly if appropriate) and a large specialised gym area. There is also a kitchen and bedroom on site for therapy.
Exclusion criteria:
- < 16 yrs old (Under 18 year olds can’t stay in accommodation)
- Red flags
- Psychotic or acute mental illness
- Severe current depression.
- Current substance abuse
- Active inflammatory conditions, e.g. Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Patients requiring nursing care or assistance with transfers
- Not registered with a GP.
Catchment areas: predominantly Wessex Region and South West although come patients have from further afield.
Referral process: via GP, therapist, consultant, other health professional, insurance companies. Referral forms available at:
Website currently updating so please request one through reception or the email address below where you can also send it. A direct link will return in due course. Please email it to or via ERS system for GPs.