Site icon Wessex Trauma Network

WTN Conference 2022-Post

10 Years of Major Trauma in Wessex

Past, Present and Future

29th September 2022

The conference was last week and what an amazing day it was. It was great to see so many people and have the opportunity to catch up in person rather than via the virtual platforms we have become so used to.

Conference Presentations

Thank you to all of our speakers, the time you took preparing your presentations was evident and showed in the reception they gained from the attendees. The slides, some with the recorded videos are now available here. My apologies for not having videos available for all.

As part of the conference we had a number of posters presented which will soon be available to view on this website. It was great so see the enthusiasm for clinical and service development that exists within the network. The 3 top scoring poster submissions were invited to undertake podium presentations and the presentation on the Derivation, Validation and Implementation of Geriatric Trauma Triage Tool (G3T) in a Trauma Unit by Dr Becky Mallinson and Dr Joe Schrieber received the inaugural Crouch Award as voted by a panel on the day.

Thank you to our sponsors as well. Your support allowed us to have a broad representation of health care professionals who are responsible for trauma patients from Roadside to Rehab in the Wessex Trauma Network and beyond.

So… with such a good conference in 2022, we need to look forward to 2023. We are keen to renew the regular conferences that used to a be a feature of WTN but were curtailed by COVID regulations. It would be great to expand the organising committee and we would love to hear from people who would like to be involved. Please

CPD Points

’10 years of Major Trauma in Wessex ? Past, Present, and Future ‘ has been approved by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom for 6 category 1 (external) CPD credits

Click here to see information about the speakers
Click here to see information about the sponsors who made this conference possible or follow the links below to their website
Gold Sponsorship Partner
Silver Sponsorship Partner
Silver Sponsorship Partner
Silver Sponsorship Partner
Silver Sponsorship Partner
Silver Sponsorship Partner
Silver Sponsorship Partner
Silver Sponsorship Partner

10 Years of Trauma in Wessex: Past, Present and Future

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